Jsi tady

Region 9- CPIN: VAPA Music

17. dubna 2024 5: 30pm na 7: 30pm

Preschool children progress through the stages of musical growth from noticing, responding and engaging into being able to create, invent and express themselves through music.  Participants in this training will review the elements of music such as beat, rhythm, tone, pitch, form, timbre, and style.  In this virtual training teachers will learn about strategies to promote developmentally appropriate music experiences and ideas to encourage children to talk about the music they hear and make will be provided.


Účastníci budou:

Review the basic elements of music that can be highlighted during musical experiences.

Become familiar with how children progress through stages of musical growth.

Develop awareness about the importance of music education in the lives of preschool children using the Preschool Learning Foundations.

Explore interactions and strategies that are developmentally appropriate, meaningful, allow for learning differences, promote diversity, and are inclusive for all children.




Název umístění: 
San Diego County Office of Education
6401 Linda Vista Rd
Příloha B
San Diego, CA 92111
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